A syndicated cartoon pokes fun at the seemingly inconsequential punishment meted out to LeClair. Most outsiders saw the Judicial Council’s decision as a farce.
Drug laws in handbook & reorientation, 1970.
The Student Handbook of 1971-72 reprinted the New York Stage drug possession offense list as a reminder to students; drugs and drinking remained officially off-limits. An unofficial student publication…
Martha Peterson talking to students, 1969.
President martha Peterson keeps communication open with students over coffee in millicent mcintosh center lounge, September 25, 1969. Photograph by Joseph Gazdak Courtesy of Barnard college Archives
Posture Contest, Barnard gymnasium, January 6, 1956.
The Physical Education Department’s focus on proper body movement culminated in the Freshman “Posture contest” held in January. A panel of professors and staff picked the freshman with the best…
A general strike gripped Columbia campus after the take-over, which some Barnard students supported in solidarity. Professor Julius Held of the Art History department beckoned students back into discussion, as classes continued at Barnard. Courtesy…