Browse Items (7 total)

Student signing out for the night at front desk, as her date looks on, Brooks Hall, ca. 1960.
The housing rules defined. All residents had to fill out a slip letting college officials know where they were going and when they would be returning. …

Celebrations for the College Bowl team of 1968, pictured with their trophy. They won $19,000 in scholarship money. President Martha Peterson receiving silver bowl from General Electric Vice President John A. Spencer, while Prof. Richard Norman…

Vera Hiebler and Marilyn ross ’65 balancing books atop their heads in posture class, Barnard gymnasium, 1962. Courtesy Barnard College Archives.

Posture Contest, Barnard gymnasium, January 6, 1956.
The Physical Education Department’s focus on proper body movement culminated in the Freshman “Posture contest” held in January. A panel of professors and staff picked the freshman with the best…

Three friends lounging in the dorms ca. 1968. New, expanded, parietal rules in March 1968 allowed male visitors from 6PM to 12AM on Fridays and Saturdays, and from 1PM to 6PM on Sundays. Photograph by Joseph Gazdak, Courtesy of Barnard College…

Freshman Chariot, Greek Games practice, 1965. Photograph by Jack Mitchell, Courtesy of Barnard College Archives

Chariot race, Greek Games, Barnard Gymnasium, April 24, 1965. The Games focused on poetry, athleticism and stylized movement – embodied in the spectacular chariot race as four “horses” drew charioteers around the gym. Photograph by V. Sladon,…
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